Saturday, October 15, 2011

Successful and rapid steps to explain SEO to optimize websites

What is the success of optimization?

for success in our time has been very difficult to have clear standards. Website optimized for the success we are here to give a "definition of a successful website optimization", that "a considerable part of our website with the industry value of keyword ranking in major search engine's home page, and the site from their peers attention, jealousy and imitation, but this site has brought us good value for money "so to optimize our site to call it" successful. " In order to achieve "success" of the target, then we open the site SEO journey.

ideological work

as a successful website optimization SEO worker, a good psychological quality and patience is essential. Any one site in the SEO optimization process workers will face such problems, such as search rules changes, the impact of peer sites keyword ranking result of fluctuations, we must be calm, objective analysis of the details of each issue, This is very good site optimization.

Brothers do not mistakenly cut wood working

start SEO before sailing I must stress that the success of website SEO has a quick nature: stability and regularity. First, stability, mainly referring to server stability, and stable web application, website keywords stable, stable page title, page description and stability. Second, the regularity required workers to grasp the impact of website SEO search engine rankings of law, update the website time and the number should be the law, outside the chain of regularly publishing site.

the stability of the site will not go wrong, under normal conditions to optimize the basis of keyword rankings steadily. The second regularity, mastered these laws can be done relatively easy and efficient optimization purposes.

on SEO journey - case study.

site types: corporate website

target site:

Main Keywords: nozzle, spray nozzle, fan-shaped nozzles, nozzle

case provides: purification Co., Ltd, Dongguan City, Jesse Spray

first stop: the standard SEO-optimized website

1, optimized web site home page adhere to corporate culture and user experience have focused context (upper right corner of the site), easy to update (for example, home page news and other contents of the article link), layout structure and stability (style may change), page title keywords and description must be stable (can not modify to quickly optimize, optimize progress will slow down once the change).

2, Local. Part of the title page, keywords, description set to do a special feature to enhance the professionalism and page matching; page with the left navigation column, this class of recommendation, ranking, etc. As a reading is user-friendly, second to improve the important puzzle links within the site, it is worth mentioning that the "current position" is set to reflect the most favorable site layering means, the same user experience very friendly.

3, the product page and article pages. These pages in a site is the largest component, the number is up, the page quality is directly related to the site to read the value, so the page content optimization settings for the site is particularly important. SEO practitioners should pay attention to the following points:

1) web page title can be summarized, and key words to accommodate prominent

2) pages and content highly relevant keywords to describe certain is to summarize the article to the effect of

3) should preferably be through the original or processed pseudo-Yuan Chuang, make keywords logo, link

4) expansion will not be read and recommended reading less, and be sure to add "current location" and the link

4, Site Map and RSS. Web site optimization is the same as the meaning of these two, be sure to do a good job.

second stop: the search engine submission sites

this step a lot of SEO are more valued, since Baidu do not submit, I think it is just a walk official Although always favor "sell themselves", but here you can call it.

third leg: content development, internal link with the anti-chain

1, and included a new website to enhance weight quickly the best way is to add relevant highly original, and then write a good blog soft paper and published in the forum, the search engine's attention quickly aroused.

2, the internal links in the first leg of the "standard SEO-optimized website" has been explained, I will not repeat

3, the reverse link. Recently one hit through the Qing drama "step by step startling," which Si Age throne throne brought a few points and we can determine the factors associated with site ranking comparison.

1) be perfectly justifiable, as the Prince. This is critical, or is seeking the right to usurp the throne of rebellion. Website optimization in the original and pseudo-original content to our site can be in the search engines to get the "Prince" throne-like status.

2) was the Emperor love, more importantly, with the fourth of the people closest to the Emperor close, Imperial Keduo, eunuch Li Quan, serve tea female O'Young, ascended the throne a critical moment in the discharge of these some unnecessary trouble. It's like the same site within each link, link smoothly, ranking up is easier.

3) military power. Keduo imperial guards in charge of the palace, where the army brought with rebellious, powerful forces of repression before the other forces. Sites like military power as external links.

might have been clear enough, the site's content, within the chain, the chain as a person's identity, status, power.

fourth leg: update and maintain effective, appropriate optimization, SEO journey can enjoy the fun.

here, I can give is to share so much. Unfortunately, our little web site is still in this case the early stages of optimization, the current results convincing enough, but please understand. A friend might support the nozzle Gongsi website optimization condition, good suggestions also do not mean to share with you, along with progress.

original content, starting network owners

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