Saturday, October 15, 2011

Case Study How to do keyword ranking page

believe that many friends of the site owners are concerned about weight, then the impact of the weight of a site which factors? a lot of people will say site is outside the chain is not the weight and content of it, yes, that is so, but this simply one of the "contents of chain" there are many words inside knowledge. Let's make sure we optimize the direction of optimization is to optimize the home page or home page within the page or pages are optimized within the following two examples through my analysis, also look a lot less than the understanding. To better illustrate the problem, first on the drawing.

(Figure 1: contains anti-chain case)

(Figure 2: Keyword ranking)

(Figure 3: Link the case)

few can be seen from the above, this Station contains very little, only one page, a snapshot of a long, long time no update note; and few outside the chain, Link is unusual, with only a standing link. But look at the top was surprisingly good, the first volume of a keyword search Baidu is 917, ranking fifth, the second search volume is 161 words Baidu, Baidu ranked second. Included small, snapshot is not normal, outside the chain of small, Friends of the chain is not normal, why the ranking will be so good? Believe that not only I have this question, we are also so be it. Through careful research I found a good position because:

outside the chain of stable, highly relevant;

words less targeted, well-spaced;

domain bit old, this is a slight advantage over the new station.

analysis of sentiment:

working so hard for our hair everywhere outside the chain, the chain has more than a few thousand, even thousands, ranking it But more than a hundred arrival outside the chain's website, which is why? because others outside the chain of stable, relevant, outside the chain of content and theme of the site consistent with the basic, and we seek is the amount of irrigation in the major forums everywhere, This site's ranking actually of little use, because the meaningless post Baidu irrigation will not even included the number of weights, another point is that these foreign chains easily be K; made some little sense of the article, copy someone else's article and then bring site, which would not be ranked very helpful. Since these two points will lead to meaningless and outside the chain of non-original volatile, unstable position. So when we do outside the chain have more time to do it with high correlation, although time-consuming but the ranking would be a great help.

we often entangled in the Links today to see tomorrow to see some friendly chain, give someone else the next page is temporarily open, and some Friends of the chain but also to others snapshot does not, under normal , but this station chain of four friends, three stations no incoming links. By this point we can see that Baidu stability of the Friends of the chain is still very important, as long as you link to a stable period of time, even if someone else get rid of or Links to our site to be K stations will not be affected. But the station is only because there is no maintenance keep, and I do not advocate doing so stability is necessary, but someone else we got, we have no need to keep his.

Another point is that the problem keywords, keyword selection and arrangements will greatly affect the rankings, do not think all of the words have to do, keyword and more weight will be distributed not concentration will be relatively difficult to do some of the top; do not appear in a different class website keywords, such as a "laser cutting machine", we engage in an "access control system", so that customers do do not know what the website in the end, not to mention the search engine do?

Well, first here today, have time to continue to explore the future, I hope we can bring some of these analytical help. This paper laser cutting machine from the original release, welcome to reprint, hard to write so much, please keep the link, thank you!

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