Saturday, October 15, 2011

Standard Website SEO optimized articles of Advanced

Following a one

"standard SEO-optimized website to prepare the construction work", the paper is advanced articles, SEO-optimized website is standard construction of the core articles, we cut to the chase.

one website module

1, SEO-optimized site's navigation bar. Navigation throughout the web space is the most important search engine to give the contents of the navigation bar very high "weight", it is proposed that optimized the site by adding appropriate keywords in the navigation bar links (such as navigation. " Products "to do a drop-down menu lists the products that contain the keyword link).

2, Home plate. Arranged on the Home module each have their own style and highlight, but the SEO-optimized site, please be sure to insist on three points:

1) Home Keyword prominence (frequency less than 5 times);

2) update the page should be conducive to the plate (such as news, etc.);

3) to set the page title, keywords and page description.

3, sub-page setup Note points:

1) with the page title, keywords and page description of the set;

2) within the same page level web links. For example, a list of products page and article pages are the same level, product details and details of the article is the same level, then the list of pages in the article may have links to products page link in the article details pages have links to similar articles and products Details of the link, and vice versa. The aim is to make the website internal link flow;

3) "current position" is essential, it is the best way to reflect the site level, but also user-friendly performance;

4) Vice navigation settings can also be made more freely within the chain, the arrangement of words is also an option;

5) by adding RSS feed module;

6 ) to establish full use of Search tab. Build a tab, the content words for all station links, links to the search results page.

Second, the database settings

database settings to involve more detailed explanations on the knowledge, and here I find the main explanation is the site of each page title, keyword and description content of the set . In here there are two sets of ideas:

1) the page title, keyword, description of property as a product or article, the article details and product details or write the same data in different fields.

2) establish a special title and keywords for unified management of data table, each page is accessible through the relevant ID data.

three, code optimization

1, using the unified management of the CSS file styling;

2, with the alt attribute to label to search engine to identify image content;

3, for all the link text with title description of property;

4, removal of redundant code, the code is neat and orderly. this article from the original, first network owners, reproduced, please indicate the source.

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog having informative and useful information for users, very nice, keep up the good work.SEO for law firm
