Saturday, October 15, 2011

The demand for in-depth grasp of words to express the inner world of patients

said whenever and new search engine marketing, I have been repeating their own point of view, keyword search on behalf of the needs of users, their aim is to find search-related things, and we need to do is to analyze, 1 These requirements are you have a commercial value, we need to do to meet such needs; (2) how are we going to attract user's attention, to guide the user to enter the site; 3 whether the content we provide to meet the needs of users; 4. how to explore the potential associated with the demand for these needs? (as many shopping sites offer to buy this product also bought XX, and the like, how do we get that, they also want to know things, to the maximum excavation desire to buy, for the medical industry, I encountered a person consulting, hanging multiple numbers, sick species, which are necessary to discover, analyze)

talk about it today talk about words to express needs, something which is very detailed, all walks of life, various types of keywords is not the same today, for the purpose of this note for the visitors just the inner world of analysis, keyword analysis of the deeper meaning importance, and there is no special way to God, to analyze the horse all the words, limited to the occupational environment, exposure to the medical industry, medical industry, so we can do some analysis in terms of words, a purely personal point of view, do not agree These clouds can have as a.

according to their thinking is not fully mature brain, roughly the search needs for a disease divided as follows:

1. Cognitive (knowledge) the type of demand

general for the disease itself is not very understanding of the users will usually search for the term disease to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, for example, generally have been searching for ADHD, ADHD, some ADHD with what would be outrageous ... the search is with understanding the needs of such a disease, the psychological needs of departure, and there's a wide range of potential patients is not a lot, or that their brewing into a longer time also, they need more in-depth understanding of this disease.

2. Confirm (determine) the type of demand

more representative of this class of words is the key symptom categories, users search for certain learned before the disease, need to understand the symptoms of the disease, to determine their status, whether about themselves or family and friends had a similar situation.

3. Understand the crisis type needs

kind of search users, may have confirmed the disease, but due to lack in-depth understanding of the disease, its dangers, risks, are no sense, so it is necessary to determine the need for treatment.

4. Choice (hospital, treatment) the type of demand

through large amounts of data shows, search Hospitals, treatment type key words to bring the highest conversion, why not ? In my view, such a search represents a choice needs. So in practice, and treatment given to the hospital class keyword evaluation of high-value category keywords, the most competitive. Search these words were omitted other cognitive step, of course, led to transformation.

Summary: The above analysis is only a general cognitive process, so the closer to the back of the search needs of users contribute to the greater likelihood of conversion. Of course, there will jump awareness, understanding particularly strong, maybe they will continuously search, soon led to transformation. I design websites in the beginning of the content on the site, and the leading higher, the content must be comprehensive, this guide step by step process can not be arbitrary, which makes patients more fluid into the path.

This is what I as a network marketer for the analysis of the path into practice. Welcome with me. QQ: 1271200549 for the original article, please indicate the source:

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