Saturday, October 15, 2011

Wing Man: Hospital Website committed five "crimes"

to work for this company has more than two months, the company recently revised, detours, I own to share with what I hope for the future revision of the website owners need help, the following five " crime of "grassroots webmasters can not afford to hurt ah!

one, choose the wrong program, trouble followed

company websites are basically before CMS to do with Science News, and the version is relatively low, a good multi-function are relatively out of date, too much trouble to maintain, compared to DEDE, personally feel that the gap is relatively large. Once I removed the background in the column, at that time to finish the work, did not watch the delete prompt (prompt deletion can not be restored), and found all the articles gave clear from the database, the most exasperating is no Recycle Bin (DEDE's a back stop)! no way back home to add a manual one, get a full four hours to call it a day. The latter part of the template maintenance is not to say.

Second, the site rush on the line, continue to modify the template

Baidu optimization guidelines issued in said: Do not put a complete stop to show to the search the engine. In fact, I mind clearly, in terms of SEO website this thing, preferably in one step. But no way, people hurried on-line director, said the promotion is to go and get bids. Finally we have the edge line and reform, especially the inside pages of the template, first you have to change the station every update, the drawbacks of SEO is just as good tomorrow, also said you money, but I again and again push tomorrow, you will believe me?

Third, the site name change, the weight plummeted

name before too long, so I want to get hold of makes it easier to remember names. People have a name, change the name mean? Civilians (small sites) is not affected too much, but if you a big (high weights website) do? Imagine you've accumulated popularity (site weight) , well-known (outside the chain of anchor sites) is much loss. Our site is no exception, flow from 200IP jump 20IP, even more frightening is the collection of a sudden decrease of more than 2000!

four page title variable, change quite often

home before the revision of key words 5-6, the revised basic key words around the hospital name is written. Distributed to a lot of words within the page, to promote open the main page. The problem is different for each director's view, today's title is the case, chances are they have to change tomorrow, so you find keyword ranking, you see the title is not the same, and each weight change once the site is also a a challenge.

five preferred domain name yet, include accidentally

's meaning is a major push with the WWW domain name, you can not think of a domain contains the domain name than with the WWW contains much higher. This is mainly due to: site internal links is not uniform, some with relative links, but some use absolute links with the WWW. The five points above are Eibun personal experience, there is no place please beg the indulgence, AC QQ: 21630785. Original article, reproduced leave Source: Beijing kidney hospital

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