Saturday, October 15, 2011

On Seoer novice how to solve the dilemma of the three keywords ranking

join the SEO industry as more and more people, SEO industry also will prosper. With the boom is always a problem, that is webmaster related technologies uneven. Many people think that SEO is fairly simple modification of the next code, issued a few articles for a few link issues can be fixed up. SEO really that simple? If it so simple, it needs a specialist SEO company marketing staff it? In short, SEO not so easy. How to modify the code needed to improve rankings for the keywords; article should be how to write, how to embed keyword, type a few keywords, how to embed keywords, etc. do not affect the readability of the article; for Links, a site can change How many links, links how to choose keywords, and what kind of site should exchange; these problems we need to delve into their own. Just enter the SEO industry, especially the novice, how to learn what to write; should look like the attitude to learning; in practice, when doing SEO how to actually solve.

we do in the actual operation of a website, they often encounter many problems is that we can not be solved, this time to make their own analysis of what this site in the end the problem, a problem of how we solve the time. Now to talk about when we do encounter SEO What kinds of problems we give up easily.

1, optimizing the long words in a fixed position does not improve without the problem of declining

such problems should be encountered many dolls, but do not know how to solve. Generally in the face of this problem is "basis problem" based on this general issue is space, what kind of website coding issues. If it is a good space so long to solve, and another space that is. If the code is a problem, advise you as soon as possible to give up. This site will be very hurt to do so of their own. Any of you were there after a long, she does not always Xu disease. So to lay the foundation website. Optimization is also an initial protection.

Second, the optimization of keywords, and you always "ambiguous", that is, keyword ranking unstable

encountered this problem also points Long the most troublesome problem, this time you will need to strengthen links within and outside the chain of construction. In short to make your link exchange, go to some high-quality multiple outer chain. Planned to increase the outside of your chain, I believe that the stability of keyword ranking just around the corner.

three key words in a Baidu big update from the sky fell to the ground, the situation is difficult to go up again

this problem must have a lot of new owners tangled problem. Baidu suddenly came to a big face, obviously you yesterday also be happy, smiling. This case will come up with your insistence, the original articles every day, every day outside the chain of the number of updates. I believe your mother will soon be on your degree of development of a smile. In short, this case, the calm is very important.

we may encounter problems will be far more than I have listed, but one thing to note is that a problem to resolve it by themselves, solve their own when looking for someone to help. This question is to grow, in which case the growth of a webmaster is very fast. This article first network owners from Shenzhen wedding dress original, thanks to network owners.

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