Saturday, October 15, 2011

How the new station was out of the sand box included Baidu normal

both the novice webmaster or SEO veteran, solve problems and issues are always things to do each day SEO, I do as a first stop for the novice webmaster to share with you today how out of the new station Baidu normal sandbox is included. We all know that all of the new station on the line will enter Baidu sandbox, which he reviewed for some time, only this time included a new station Baidu home page, and the content page has not been included, to share today, the new station by Baidu normally included, is the site for all pages, including all inside pages. Station owners have done all know that the new station on the line, the first goal is to make Baidu included home, the second objective is to make the site included within the page Baidu, Baidu normally contains only your site, the site was likely to talk about What kind of keyword rankings, so to speed up collection of home Baidu became the first step of SEO, Baidu included how to make it home? long as the following, within a week, was a collection of Home!

1, as the first step is to Baidu new station to submit their website address. (Baidu Baidu submit entry:

2, to send the relevant paste it to your site or forum link quoted Baidu spiders to crawl your site it is best to weight the forum of high mix, the use of signatures to bring your web site, the high weight of the forum are generally close seconds, and spiders are often high in these forums weight climb, made in this forum your address, then the spider will crawl your site Shundai Zhao up, so will speed up the home collection. (Baidu Post Bar sent the link has not succeeded, the situation as it was deleted, and I heard his roots in the Baidu Post Bar Web site may be considered a waste, I have dared try so timid);

3, raising blog. Registration number of high-weight web space (such as Baidu Space, Sina blog, Sohu blog, Netease blog, etc.). Support effective blog will take a long time, so we have to adhere to update the blog's content, fight for your blog as soon as possible included. In general, Baidu space created can be included in general a few days. Baidu Space to my registered a year ago, and now I still have not been included, to make their own degree of personal space that is included also need some skills, such as space for small to register a Baidu reproduced and comment on their articles, I used this method to be Baidu included, and we have time to try it. You can create a new station with its own web-related Baidu space, and then add some articles in the space along with their web site. Baidu in the space will also include links to find your new station. Through this step, probably a week or so can be included in Baidu. Station on the line for five days, home was a collection of Baidu.

4, Q & A platform to post replies. Many sites now have Q & A platform, you can go to Q & A platform, high weight (such as Baidu Q, SOSO ask, End of Q & A, etc.) send your website address will be collected by many for the content of the station to send you a link to collected in the past, increasing the chain can also have more opportunities to be patronized Baidu Oh ~! Baidu know that part in the Baidu search in the weight is high, the part where the Baidu Post Huitie know you can speed up the collection. You can use question and answer mode is set to answer their answer, the answer in the "Source" at the new station with its own link. If you feel that Baidu know ourselves and answer a lot of trouble can easily be closed, then in some of the latest Baidu knows "unresolved issues" to answer people's questions and add their own links. For these new problems are not solved, Baidu also frequented retrieval.

5, Baidu

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