Saturday, October 15, 2011

On what aspects can be seen on your SEO decency

decent look at a lot of people may be literally considered appropriate, in fact, is a decent network of meaning "dirty" (garbage), because the sounds much. Difficult to imagine the real meaning of a word the meaning of such a huge difference and network polarization. But this decent article in today's not bad, mean nothing more than your website SEO is done properly or your site's SEO is garbage. Usually we analyze a site's SEO is largely decent analysis of the PR through the site, but now more and more low desirability of PR, today we have to On can see that there are several aspects of what is decent SEO .

one: the data from your website SEO analysis on propriety.

analysis of data from your site SEO, can be analyzed from several aspects of the case included, snapshot updates, outside the chain of quantity and quality problems, etc. So how do these data analysis? (1) The site contains case, the larger the collection of more benefit to the site; snapshot updates, snapshots as much as possible within a week, more than the words of description of your site may have been problems, the snapshot update is normal, reflects your site is search engine received the welcome. (2) the number of external links, and quality issues. We are in the building when the external links work hard not only in quantity, but quality is important to work hard. The most obvious effect of the construction is outside the chain link exchange, usually I would go to some of the Friends of the chain platform to exchange links, such as Rainbow Links platform. Friends of the chain is worth a high quality of the Friends of the chain of dozens of garbage. (3) data analysis website keyword ranking, and if you do good keyword ranking, you can explain the SEO is appropriate, we also can not ignore the role of long-tail keywords.

2: From the layout of your site structure analysis of SEO decency

this respect we want to search engine point of view, a site's overall layout, the layout within the chain , Meta tags, JS code, the site's source code and other compliance standards. We can see from a number of factors to be analyzed. (1) The site's source code is simple and standardized, the site's source code if there is too much redundancy, make access to the site slowdowns. (2) analyze the structure of your site is clear, on the compatibility of various browsers. (3) JS code within the site is set properly, delete unnecessary JS. (4) image ALT tag is set properly. Other aspects of the overall organization of the site and reasonable to do a complete analysis.

three: user experience is a good site to analyze the SEO decency

determine a site's SEO is the most basic factor is decent user experience, the user experience of the analysis we can be analyzed in several ways, (1) website loading speed, website loading speed up how long users can be tolerated, according to statistics of 30 seconds, most users will exceed this value directly off your site the site to improve loading speed of the server from the web site's source code and start, a good server and concise code can make your site loading speed has more advantages. (2) sites of the visual experience, a website on the visual experience, innovative ideas, the site looks pretty comfortable, in order to retain more visitors. Legalistic website format only allows you to drown in the wave of the Internet.

site is difficult to do, harder to do SEO. But we must believe in yourself, I can. The author here to share these three experiences, we can from the above aspects of their site is constantly upgrading and improvement.

from: Colorful Links platform, also welcome to join the Q group 6,021,221 exchanges. Reproduced Remember to keep the link, thank you!

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