Saturday, October 15, 2011

Hefei SEO Talking about how to optimize the user experience to do

believe that every webmaster in the optimization process in pursuit of a good user experience, user experience, we know there is a certain ranking for the site of impact, Baidu has increasingly emphasized the importance of user experience, but what What is user experience? user experience (UE) is a user visits a Web site of the psychological experience, is the main user, the user experience is the user's subjective experience, which is why many owners say that the reasons for doing a bad user experience. Class user experience in e-commerce Web sites more obvious, it is related to the conversion rate of website traffic, website user experience is not good, even if there is traffic, conversion rate may be very low, then we should make the user experience how to it?

fact, the user experience that is hard to say easy not easy, the most important thing is to learn empathy, not to a person's subjective thoughts away operating sites, in conjunction with many, the idea of ??multi-user, the website design can be as much as the idea of ??consulting some friends, and then associated with seo optimization. Xiao Wu to talk about following their simple user experience optimized for some operations.

site access speed

site access speed this is the first, if users find your site is slow to open, and eventually he may be readily turned off, regardless of your Web art, and final site you can say is a failure. So a good and stable space is very important, very deep feeling that the author, not for the sake of cheap end repentant. If there are too many people click on your site through search engines when they readily turned off, this will definitely affect your website in search engine value, thus affecting your site's ranking.

sites target users

each site should be clearly established well before the goal of your site users, especially those selling the product-based websites, our website should be all around us the target user, so that the target customer satisfaction, should be clear what they need, what kind of habit, so the site can also design a good user experience more fully, try to win more target user satisfaction for your site degree.

website layout design

design this site layout is especially important for the user's experience, if your site layout complexity, when the user enters your site a few minutes and you still can not find him demand content, we think he will come the second time it? site layout should be simple, allowing users to be able to identify at first glance what they need. Site colors should be popular, does not require the use of special eye-catching colors so the resentment caused by the user. Of course, the layout of this site there are also more details. Site breadcrumb navigation, relevant content presentation, fast sharing, etc., we should be more in the design considerations for the user not to seo and seo.

effective site content

what is called the effective content? Here refers to the effective content is useful for the household, that is what the user needs of each user comes to you web site, then explain your site should have the services he needs or content. Now many owners to optimize the time of the pseudo-original or random order to enhance flow and makes up the title, and the site is no substantive content, this content is certainly not conducive to user experience, I believe that each user does not like to see a random or unreasonable content read the article. The contents of this site is very important to be ignored, users generally prefer illustrations, owners can also try the update two related articles to insert a picture, I believe that users will be more like it.

site late events

every successful Web site will have a certain amount of loyal users, we should pay attention to these loyal customers, owners can be held by a number of activities on a regular basis, both to add new users, while also maintaining the old users, allowing users to more positive recognition of your website, love your site. Site surveys can also be held regularly, allowing users to extract some suggestions for your site, find the site a number of deficiencies, and thus more comprehensive site features, service users.

points above the main brief on how to optimize the user experience, we want to help. This article web series offers,

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